Ms. Dalton has worked with a wide variety of clients with different work situations. We realize that a criminal conviction can mean dire consequences in some professions. Individuals with professional and specialized licenses, like doctors, dentists, nurses, social workers, insurance brokers, commercial drivers (CDL holders) and others, may face reporting requirements with their professional licensing boards, as well as additional consequences that can include sanctions, monitoring, treatment requirements and even suspension or permanent loss of the license.
Here, at the Law Office of Nicole T. Dalton, PLLC, we are careful to consider the broader impact of a potential conviction when making recommendations on how to handle a case and in negotiating plea bargains. When needed, we include in our services consultations with an attorney on our team who dedicates his practice to the defense of professional licenses in administrative actions. Even relatively minor charges like DUI can carry serious potential consequences. If needed, we connect our clients directly with licensure defense services and any recommended treatment or services that may help to deflect or minimize professional consequences.
If you need a detailed and aggressive defense, call us anytime at 360-213-0013. We understand that a criminal accusation can carry life changing potential consequences, and we want to help keep your life intact.